National Forest Foundation | San Gabriel Mountains National Monument

Treasured Landscapes, Unforgettable Experiences

Photo by Daniel Martin

San Gabriel Mountains National Monument

The National Forest Foundation is working to improve the stewardship, restoration, recreation, management, and outreach to the community of San Gabriel Mountains National Monument.

The Angeles National Forest and San Gabriel Mountains National Monument is one of the busiest and most urban in the nation with three million annual visitors and in proximity to more than 17 million.

The San Gabriel Mountains are important to Southern California as they contain 70 percent of the open space in Los Angeles County and provide residents with more than one-third of the county’s drinking water. The San Gabriel Mountains’ rugged geological features provide habitat to more than 160 rare, threatened, and endangered species and contain significant archeological, historical, and architectural elements.

On October 10, 2014, President Obama designated the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument from existing National Forest acreages including approximately 342,000 acres of the Angeles National Forest and 4,000 acres of the San Bernardino National Forest.

We are working with the Forest Service and Community partners to improve and enhance recreation resources, management, and interpretation. We are also working together to provide new and innovative ways to reconnect the outdoors to one of the largest urban areas in the country.

To develop priorities for managing the Monument, we are engaging community-based partners and diverse residents of the Los Angeles area in the San Gabriel Mountains Community Collaborative. Our unique role as facilitators enables us to work closely with the Angeles National Forest to bring people together to promote the health and enjoyment of the new Monument. To learn more about the collaborative click here.

We have raised more than $5 million through our San Gabriel Mountains National Monument Fund to help achieve the shared goals of the public and Forest Service regarding stewardship, restoration, management of the Monument, as well as outreach to the community.

These projects are:

  • removing acres of invasive plants,
  • improving recreation sites and trails,
  • restoring acres of chaparral and forest,
  • replenishing rivers and aquifers, and
  • engaging and employing youth from underserved communities.

To contribute and help make a lasting change click here.


Dania Gutierrez, Southern California Program Manager, at [email protected]