National Forest Foundation | Northern Arizona Forest Fund

Treasured Landscapes, Unforgettable Experiences

Northern Arizona Forest Fund

In Arizona, our watersheds extend from high elevation mountain forests all the way down to the striking Sonoran desert – largely on National Forest lands with oversight that allows for resource protection, recreation and many other uses. These watersheds also produce significant water supplies upon which millions of residents in Arizona, local and downstream communities, desert cities, and farmers depend upon.

Learn how NFF is partnering across Arizona to help address forest and watershed health needs.

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The Northern Arizona Forest Fund (NAFF) provides an easy way for businesses and residents of Arizona (and beyond) to invest in the lands and watersheds they depend on. These investments focus on ‘green infrastructure’ needs that contribute to clean and sustainable water flows and that ensures our forests stay healthy for generations to come.

Everyone benefits from the restoration of our watersheds – from enhancing summer camping and winter skiing to supporting industry and cities all year round - and we all have a role to play!

Current and Recent Projects

A Vision for the Northern Arizona Forest Fund

With declining forest health and tighter federal budgets, local partnerships and active stewardship are more critical than ever. The NAFF’s projects will reduce wildfire and flood risk, improve streams and wetlands, enhance wildlife habitat, restore native plants, and limit erosion and sediment into Arizona streams, rivers, and reservoirs. The NAFF’s projects will also create jobs and provide volunteer opportunities in local communities through partnerships with local conservation and stewardship groups.

Check out our latest accomplishments in the NAFF 2023-2024 annual report.

We evaluate the impacts of our forest restoration projects by partnering with Conservation Science Partners to analyze the fire risk reduction from this work. Zoom in to see a number of forest restoration project focal areas and use the dropdown menu to visualize biomass or fire activity reduced by treatments. Use the slider bar across the map to see pre- and post-treatment information. Click here to see the interactive map.

Tribal Fuelwood Program: Forest restoration + collaboration = helping neighbors in need

In Northern Arizona, tribes rely on wood to heat homes and cook food. Unfortunately, not all tribal members have the resources or ability to collect and transport the wood from the forest to the reservation. However, a little collaboration can go a long way and provide a long term sustainable supply of fuelwood from restoration projects to tribal communities.

This year, a collaborative effort between the USDA Forest Service, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the National Forest Foundation (NFF), Joe Dirt Excavating, Tribal Extension agents from the University of Arizona, Volunteer from GORE, and Tribal partners have provided life sustaining wood supplies to the Hopi Tribe and Navajo Nation. This collaborative effort creates a win-win situation where national forests become healthier through thinning and tribes get the wood they need.

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Sasha Stortz, Southwest Program Senior Manager, at 928.961.0318 or