Grants will support local organizations to address priority restoration needs in their local National Forest.
In the second grant round of 2020, the NFF’s Matching Awards Program invested more than $600,000 in 22 on-the-ground conservation projects. Each project was proposed and will be led by local nonprofit organizations across the country.
Photo by Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness
Conservation work funded through the Matching Awards Program will take place on 28 National Forests across the country supporting themes of Outdoor Experiences and Forest Health. These efforts provide a lasting impact to National Forests for future generations and increase capacity of organizations around the country to involve Americans in their public lands.
The NFF continues to monitor the pandemic closely and is working with organizations to accommodate adjustments as needed to project implementation.
A full list of projects can be found here. A few highlights are listed below.
Friends of Blackwater
Botanical Restoration of the Blackwater Rail Trail
To manage invasive plants and actively plant areas to help in the restoration of ecological function and ecosystems services to a heavily impaired stream in a high visitor use area on the Blackwater Rail Trail in the Monongahela National Forest.
Monongahela National Forest | WV
Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust
Camp Brown Accessible Loop Trail, Picnic, and Day Use Access Improvements
To partner with the U.S. Forest Service and community volunteers to complete an accessible loop trail, river access, and picnic area improvements at Camp Brown, enhancing access to the Wild and Scenic Middle Fork Snoqualmie River.
Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest | WA
Pheasants Forever, Inc / Quail Forever
Coronado National Forest Grassland Restoration by Youth, Volunteers, and Restoration Practitioners
To control erosion and enhance wildlife habitat, youth, volunteers, and nonprofit staff will install erosion control structures and seed degraded drainages, along with thinning, these activities will improve the forest for years to come.
Coronado National Forest | AZ
Sheridan Community Land Trust
Red Grade Trails Project
To develop 2 miles of non-motorized trails as part of a larger program developing 15-22 trail miles, and to decommission several miles of user-built, unsustainable trails which will improve forest health.
Bighorn National Forest | WY
Southern Appalachian Wilderness Stewards
Wilderness Field Crew Project
To support the needs for trail improvements and natural conditions within wilderness areas in the Southern Appalachians, while creating meaningful experiential employment opportunities for a talented cohort of young public lands stewards.
Cherokee, Chattahoochee-Oconee, Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests | TN, SC, GA