"I'm passionate about the work of the National Forest Foundation because we get to be part of the solution to the complex and dynamic challenges surrounding public lands management."


Shannon joined the National Forest Foundation in April of 2023 as the Tonto Stewardship Coordinator, supporting all scopes of work on Tonto National Forest. Project types include invasive species management, forest health treatments, habitat restoration, and recreation infrastructure improvements.

Prior to joining NFF, Shannon worked with the Bureau of Land Management supporting the Taos Field Office's Aquatics & Fisheries department as their riparian botanist. There, she spent three years collecting, analyzing, and internally publishing data on aquatic environments across northern New Mexico, primarily on the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument.

In 2018, Shannon received a Master of Science in Biodiversity & Conservation from Trinity College Dublin after completing her undergraduate in Conservation Biology at the University of Aberdeen. In her free time, she loves exploring a range of outdoor sports, improving her photography skills, and traveling.