"During a week on horseback in the Bighorn National Forest, there were many moments where I felt the sensations many feel when spending time in the great outdoors. The dissolution of the self, the embrace of the landscape, and the feeling of being a part of a larger, natural, whole. That week was transformative. I learned to refine my, what Aldo Leopold called, 'land ethic.' It is an ethic I am privileged to hone in my work with our National Forests."


Luke joined the NFF in 2022 as the Rocky Mountain Development Coordinator. Originally from Southeastern Kentucky, he grew up on a working cattle farm in an agrarian community that bordered Daniel Boone National Forest. It was in roaming the eastern hardwood forests of “The Daniel Boone” that instilled in him a love of being outdoors and in open spaces.

Luke works closely with the Rocky Mountain Region field staff on conservation partnerships, fund raising, and collaborations within the landscapes of Colorado and Wyoming. Luke works with the team on raising funds for projects that range from watershed and forest health, wildfire mitigation and post-fire recovery, to recreation infrastructure and beyond.

Luke is an avid reader and writer and is always happy to talk literature! As a Kentuckian, he usually starts with Wendell Berry and goes from there!