National Forest Foundation | San Gabriel Mountains Community…

San Gabriel Mountains Community Collaborative

Photo by Daniel Martin

San Gabriel Mountains Community Collaborative

As the nonprofit partner of the U.S. Forest Service, the NFF has a unique role that enables us to work closely with the Angeles National Forest to bring people together to promote the health and enjoyment of the new Monument. As part of our mission, the NFF offers neutral facilitation services for collaborative efforts that benefit National Forest System lands, and on the Angeles National Forest we're facilitating the San Gabriel Mountains Community Collaborative.

Photo by NFF

San Gabriel Mountains Community Collaborative Purpose Statement

Represent the general public by integrating diverse perspectives to identify, analyze, prioritize and advocate for values, resources, investments, management objectives and implementation practices that sustainably benefit all communities throughout the region, the Angeles National Forest and the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument.


Any individual and/or community groups interested in the management of the Angeles National Forest and San Gabriel Mountains National Monument.


The Community Collaborative formed in 2014 to support the designation of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, including the San Gabriel Mountains, interdependent communities, watersheds, and ecosystems, to be managed by the Forest Service as part of the Angeles National Forest. In late 2016, The Collaborative submitted consensus comments to the Angeles National Forest to guide development of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument Management Plan and Environmental Assessment.

In 2019, the San Gabriel National Monument Management Plan was signed and the Forest Service and SGMCC are now moving toward the implementation of projects in the Angeles National Forest. Current projects that align with the U.S. Forest Service are focused on transportation, conservation, education, trails and recreation, volunteer engagement, and capital improvements. All projects acknowledge the rights of communities throughout the region and welcome diverse community voices.

Meet the Community Collaborative

The San Gabriel Mountains Community Collaborative (SGMCC) includes over 50 members from a variety of organizations, including government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and individuals of the public at large. Currently the SGMCC has a Steering Committee and four topical/Ad Hoc committees working to enhance the management and accessibility of the National Monument and National Forest for local communities, in four areas: Trails and Recreation, Transportation Access, Volunteer Engagement, and Conservation Education.

Meeting Information

The SGMCC meets on the fourth Thursday of every other month.

Click here to access previous meeting documents.


Project and Process Documents

Click here to view the Monument Management Plan.

Click here to see public comments and additional documents related to the Monument Management Plan.


Staff contacts that work directly with the SGMCC

Dania Gutierrez, Southern California Program Senior Manager, at [email protected]

Sarah Di Vittorio, Director, Conservation Connect, at [email protected]

Brian Robey, California Program Coordinator – Southern California, at [email protected]