National Forest Foundation | Collaborative Capacity Program for…

Collaborative Capacity Program for Forests & Communities

Financial Awards

Program Announcement

The National Forest Foundation’s Collaborative Capacity Program for Forests & Communities (CCP) invests in the resources, skills and tools, and support activities that make collaboration for forest stewardship successful through a financial awards program.

Eligible collaborative efforts must describe how investments in collaboration will support a long-term strategy for achieving stewardship outcomes into the future and these outcomes must seek to benefit National Forest System lands.

Key Dates

  • July 12, 2024: Deadline for CCP Applications
  • December 2024: Funding Decisions Announced
  • Early 2025: Application period opens for Round 2

Summary of CCP Program Requirements

    More info coming soon...

    Photo by Sabrina Claros


    If you have questions about the NFF's Collaborative Capacity Program that are not answered on this webpage or in the CCP Request for Proposals, please contact:

    Rebecca Brickner, Conservation Awards Coordinator - Collaborative Capacity, at 205.659.7822 or [email protected]