National Forest Foundation | Salt River Tree Planting and Restoration…

Salt River Tree Planting and Restoration Day

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Saturday, December 7

Tonto National Forest

8 am - 12 pm

Lower Salt River Restoration and Protecting our Water

Together we are restoring the beloved Lower Salt River! We are improving habitats for native bird and wildlife species AND protecting the Salt and Verde river water supplies that are made potable, delivered and used by millions of people across the Phoenix-metro area!

The National Forest Foundation, Northern Arizona University’s New West Program, and the Tonto National Forest, along with YOUR HELP are making the Salt River watershed thrive again. After our restoration crews remove the exotic and invasive salt-cedar (tamarisk) and arundo (giant reed), we will be working with you to replant and reforest the river banks with native trees and forbs that ultimately use less water, and also benefit birds, native wildlife, and all the visitors to the River; whether for a tubing trip with friends, a dip in the water with family, or a picnic in the cool shade of a willow tree.

During this one-day stewardship adventure, we will learn, labor, and relax together on the second most visited National Forest in the USA - the Tonto National Forest.

Kids ages 8 and up are welcome.

Volunteer Activities

  • Learn about riparian forests, what is ailing them, and why we should help,
  • Plant cottonwood and willow trees growing in long-pots,
  • Scatter seeds of wildflower forbs important for pollinators and wildlife,
  • Plant willow trees in areas once occupied by invasive weeds,
  • Create make-shift fences out of tamarisk wood so our plants don’t get eaten!

What to bring

  • Full brimmed hat
  • Sunscreen
  • Refillable water bottle

What will be provided

  • Work gloves, hard hats,
  • Tools and necessary materials
  • Additional water to refill water bottles
  • Safety review and work demonstration will precede the project work

Parking and Carpool / Shuttles at Phon D Sutton Recreation Area

From Mesa, travel east on the Superstition Freeway (US 60) to Power Road /Bush Highway/Forest Road (FR) 204 and turn north. Follow Bush Highway for 9 miles to FR 169, and turn left. Follow FR 169 for 1 mile to the site. The entire route is paved.

Rebecca Davidson, NFF Southern Rockies Director

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