National Forest Foundation | National Forest Foundation

A Toolbox of Resources

Photo by U.S. Forest Service

128 Results

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Peer Learning circle
Peer Learning circle

December 4, 2023

CFLRP: Collaborative Dynamics Peer Learning Session (November 9, 2023)
Session objectives: - Learn about considerations for standing up and maintaining effective collaborative processes over time. - Provide practical tools, discuss common questions and challenges, and share experiences to help groups navigate collaborative process dynamics. - Share information and learn from one another as a community of practice for collaborative forest stewardship. The suggested audience for this session includes collaborative groups, Forest Service staff, and partners and alumni of CFLR Programs.
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Peer Learning circle
Peer Learning circle

September 22, 2023

Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP) Peer Learning Series Kickoff (September 13, 2023)
During this peer learning session, participants will learn more about the CFLR Program, including background and updates; hear from three different CFLRPs and engage in a group discussion around current successes, challenges, opportunities, and needs; (re)connect with current and former CFLRP colleagues, including U.S. Forest Service staff, researchers, and partners; and have the opportunity to inform future peer learning session topics around collaborative forest management.
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Documents circle
Documents circle

February 24, 2023

Governance Strategies for Large Landscape Partnerships in the West
The increasing complexity of environmental issues, as well as a growing emphasis on landscape-scale policy tools, has spurred the emergence of “all-lands” partnerships. These partnerships work at large, regional scales to address issues that span land ownerships and encompass multiple watersheds, firesheds, communities, projects, and/or existing collaborative groups. This document profiles three all-lands partnerships in the West, with a focus on their organizational structures, processes for working with multiple local-scale partners and groups, strategies for large landscape coordination, and key governance documents.
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Documents circle
Documents circle

February 24, 2023

Innovative Collaborative Engagement in National Forest Management in the Pacific Northwest
This series of vignettes capture different ways that collaboratives have engaged with Forest Service management activities at different points along the planning and implementation timeline. Examples include collaborative support with surveys and data collection and improving sale economics through support of appraisal and sale design, and cross-boundary monitoring support. Author: Emery Cowan, Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition.
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Documents circle
Documents circle

September 16, 2022

Forest Service Project Planning to Implementation
This resource was developed and published by the Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition (RVCC). The purpose of this guidebook is to provide collaborative organizations or groups with information about the Forest Service’s project planning and implementation processes.
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Peer Learning circle
Peer Learning circle

May 6, 2022

Peer Learning Session: Adapting to Staffing Transitions (5/5/2022)
During this peer learning session, attendees will: 1. Hear remarks from Jacqueline Emanuel, Director, National Partnership Office of the U.S. Forest Service on staffing transitions and efforts to build staffing capacity; 2. Have an opportunity to ask questions; 3. Participate in breakout room discussions regarding the challenges of staffing transitions and helpful strategies to overcome those challenges; and 4. From breakout room report-outs, learn new tactics for adjusting to staffing transitions. Suggested Audience: Forest Service employees and partners wanting to engage in meaningful conversation and learn about managing times of staffing transition.
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Peer Learning circle
Peer Learning circle

April 28, 2022

CFLRP Welcome and Overview peer learning session (4/26/2022)
The suggested audience for this session includes collaborative groups, Forest Service staff, and partners that are new to CFLRP and beginning their journey, and those that are CFLRP alumni. Please see this press release for the latest funding announcement and project list and visit the CFLRP website for information about the Program. During this web meeting, attendees will: • Build your network by connecting with CFLRP alumni and other selected projects in the current cohort • Learn about the Program status, results, requirements, and lessons learned • See where you can learn more about CFLRP; and • Get a preview of next steps for the CFLR Program.
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Peer Learning circle
Peer Learning circle

April 28, 2022

CFLRP Getting Started - Now What? peer learning session (5/10/2022)
The suggested audience for this session includes collaborative groups, Forest Service staff, and partners that are new to CFLRP and beginning their journey, and those that are CFLRP alumni. Please visit the CFLRP website for information about the Program. During this web meeting, attendees will: • Build your network by connecting with CFLRP alumni and other selected projects in the current cohort • Learn about the CFLRP Work Plan intent, requirements, and lessons learned • Enhance your understanding of how CFLRP funding can be used • Hear an overview of reporting and tracking processes • Ask questions and see where you can learn more
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Peer Learning circle
Peer Learning circle

April 28, 2022

CFLRP Monitoring - Overview and Lessons Learned peer learning session (5/24/2022)
The suggested audience for this session includes collaborative groups, Forest Service staff, and partners that are new to CFLRP and beginning their journey, and those that are CFLRP alumni. Please visit the CFLRP website for information about the Program. During this web meeting, attendees will: • Build your network by connecting with CFLRP alumni and other selected projects in the current cohort • Learn more about multi-party monitoring lessons learned and best practices • Understand the intent and background of the CFLRP Common Monitoring Strategy • Discuss the Core Monitoring Questions and next steps • Ask questions and see where you can learn more
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Peer Learning circle
Peer Learning circle

April 20, 2022

Peer Learning Session: Conservation Finance at the U.S. Forest Service (4/19/2022)
During this peer learning session attendees will: Hear an introduction to conservation finance including an overview of the project development approach and examples of financing mechanisms and project success, Learn about future conservation finance education and training opportunities, and Have an opportunity to ask questions of the speakers.
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