1 | Carson National Forest Recreation Partnerships Summit

Carson National Forest Recreation Partnerships Summit

Recreation Partnerships Summit

The Carson National Forest and National Forest Foundation hosted Recreation Partnerships Summits on February 2 and 4, 2017.

Thursday, February 2, 2017
KTAOS Solar Center, #9 State Road hwy 150 El Prado, N.M 87529
3:00-7:00 PM 

Saturday, February 4, 2017
Ghost Ranch Education & Retreat Center, Lower Pavilion, 280 Private Drive 1708, Abiquiu, NM 87510
1:00-5:00 PM

Hannah Ettema

This opportunity is brought to you by:

Why did we convene these Summits? 

In June and July 2016 the National Forest Foundation (NFF) interviewed 22 local recreation representatives, community members, businesses, Forest Service staff and others to learn about existing and potential needs related to recreation, volunteerism, and partnerships on the Carson National Forest. NFF and Forest Service staff learned about the need to build relationships among partners, local communities, and the Forest Service, develop shared goals for recreation, and take concrete steps to build the capacity of partners who live, work, and play on and near the Carson National Forest.

During the summits, participants had an opportunity to:

  • Join partners who recreate, volunteer, and work on the Carson National Forest in discussions about challenges and opportunities related to recreation and volunteerism. 
  • With Forest Service staff, discuss shared goals and priorities for recreation.
  • Outline next steps that we can take together to achieve priority recreation goals on the Carson National Forest.

What outcomes are we aiming for? 

  • Improved relationships and collaborative energy among recreation partners and Forest Service staff.
  • Motivation to create solutions related to recreation and volunteerism.
  • Process-based next steps.  

Meetings Venues

If you have any questions about the effort or the summits, please contact: