Beginning at an early age, I fell in love with forests - the scents, the sights, the sounds, the mystery of what is out there. I grew up in a rural Connecticut town and was fortunate enough to have a forest in my backyard.

My friends and I would explore, climb trees, build forts from fallen sticks, and just generally enjoy ourselves until we were too tired to continue. It was a regular occurrence to see deer, birds, and other wildlife forage food from my bedroom window, while at night I could listen to a choir of crickets and frogs to help myself fall asleep. As I grew older I developed a liking for hiking, mountain biking, skiing, and photography – anything that would get me outside.

It wasn’t until I moved to Boston, Massachusetts to attend undergraduate school at Boston University that I realized what I was missing, and that I had grown accustomed to nature in my life. To me, the city environment was too loud, too hectic, and too overwhelming. I knew eventually I had to move back to somewhere more rural. 

After six years in Boston I found my way out, moving to Santa Barbara, California to study Environmental Science & Management at the University of California, Santa Barbara. But even Santa Barbara, a relaxed beach community of some 90,000 people, was too busy for me.

When I moved to South Lake Tahoe, California to start my job with the National Forest Foundation (NFF), it felt like a homecoming long in the making. For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to work to protect our natural heritage, and I am grateful to be able to do this job in such an inspiring place. I feel privileged to be able to join the wonderful and dedicated team that is NFF, and I am beyond excited to work on behalf of our National Forests and all of the incredible people, organizations, and agencies who support it.

National Forest Foundation Tree Symbol