Books are often portals to new places and a great way to experience wonder without ever leaving the couch. The Forest also carries the power of wonder. Thickly wooded forests inspire mystery and have fascinated people for centuries. Check out some of these books that celebrate trees, forests, and this nation’s public lands. We hope you find some inspiration and connect with the world around you.

Our National Forests: Stories from America’s Most Important Public Lands

Written by Greg M. Peters, this book dives into America’s most hardworking public lands and the people who have committed to protecting them. This book has a fresh take on America’s National Forests – highlighting their triumphs and the challenges facing our public lands. If you are new to recreating on public lands or an avid outdoor enthusiast, this book is the perfect crash course on National Forests.

Desert Solitaire

Edward Abbey creates a world of words celebrating the beauty of the desert and recounting his adventures through National Forests and public lands throughout the American Southwest. A ranger by day at Arches National Park, Edward Abbey poetically brings the desert to your door with Desert Solitaire. This book inspires a connection to the world and a reminder to put our phones aside and be present when experiencing the great outdoors. Edward Abbey evokes a sense of true adventure and encourages everyone to come out and see their somewhere.

The Nature Fix

Are you compelled by numbers? Data? Driven by the facts? The Nature Fix might be for you. Florence Williams has researched and written a compelling book with meaningful insights on how nature does, in fact, make us happier. Diving into completely new research, Florence Williams uncovers the power of nature and how a stronger connection with the outdoors improves health and promotes introspection.

Forest Bathing: How Trees Can Help You Find Health and Happiness

Burnout has been an ever-present problem today with social media, imposter syndrome, and never-ending to-do lists. Dr. Quing Li lays out the benefits of practicing the art of forest bathing. This book teaches us all to be more mindful about the way we spend our time and how to let go of the noise by going deep into the forest.

Braiding Sweetgrass

Robin Wall Kimmerer has spent a career learning how to ask questions of nature using the tools of science. This book inspires its readers to challenge their existing perspective of what they know about nature and strengthen their connection to the world around them. As a Potawatomi woman, Robin learned from elders, family, and history that the Potawatomi consider plants and animals to be our oldest teachers. This impactful book is a fresh reminder of our responsibility to ensure the well-being of our world.

Cover photo by Nicole Findley.


Solitude, beauty, clean water, amazing ecosystems. These are just some of the magnificent things about wilderness that the NFF works to protect every day. But we can’t do any of it without committed, informed, and generous individuals like you. Please make an unrestricted gift toward our work today. It’s easy, simply click here. Thank you for helping us – and our amazing wilderness areas!

National Forest Foundation