National Forest Foundation | Grant Programs & Resources | National…

Grant Programs & Resources

NFF Grant Programs

Through its on-the-ground conservation programs, the National Forest Foundation supports action-oriented projects that directly enhance the health and well-being of America's National Forests and Grasslands and that engage the public in stewardship.

Nonprofit organizations dedicated to addressing natural resource issues on National Forests and Grasslands can apply for support to complete projects through three distinct grant programs.

Additionally, the NFF provides funding opportunities that address specific strategic initiatives aligned with our mission and goals.

See the table below to find the grant program that is right for your organization or project.


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Grant Opportunities

Program Focus Geography Frequency Deadlines Eligibility & Type
Program Collaborative Capacity Program for Forests & Communities Focus Building collaborative capacity for forest stewardship Geography National Frequency 1x/yr Deadlines July 12, 2024 Eligibility & Type Nonprofit organizations, Tribal governments and organizations, local government entities, and colleges/universities | Open, Competitive Grant Rounds
Program Treasured Landscapes, Unforgettable Experiences Focus Large Scale Restoration Initiatives At Select Sites Geography Multi-local Frequency Varies Deadlines Invitation-Only Eligibility & Type Nonprofits, Universities, Tribes, Businesses, State and Local Governments | Invitation-Only

Grantee Resources

Current NFF grant recipients can find resources related to the administration of their award via the link below.

Past Awards

Grantee Work

NFF Grant Supports Rocky Mountain Conservation Crews

In 2014, the Rocky Mountain Conservancy received funding from the National Forest Foundation Matching Awards Program to support additional Conservation Corps crews in the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest.